talent boost

Coralie Verellen

Head of Human Resources at Val du Geer


Every job ad published via Talentboost was successful and attracted quality applications, despite a competitive job market.

The initial challenge

My main challenge was to improve the results of our advertisements in terms of the number and quality of applications received, with the aim of attracting the best profiles. And that's exactly what happened! 
Previously, I published our job ads on LinkedIn and Forem, but never as extensively as with Talent boost.


The solution


Talentboost allows me to carry out the recruitment process myself, while saving time on writing and publishing adverts. All I have to do is describe the job, and the Profile Group team will write a hard-hitting advert, then publish it on all the Belgian job boards.
This allows me to concentrate on what's most important: the human aspect of the recruitment process, which is essential to me. 
What's more, the Talentfinder tool (ATS combined with Talentboost) gives me a quick overview of new candidates. I can quickly consult their CVs and assess them. Responding to applications is also very simple. 

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