2025 marks a new milestone in the evolution of the Belgian job market. Companies must adapt to a con...
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Traditionally, job seekers were classified either as “active” (actively searching for a job) or “pas...
Think you’ve seen every angle on crafting the perfect CV? As recruitment experts, we’re here to brin...
Being a good manager is difficult… And finding one is just as hard!
Is your company preparing for a phase of growth or change? At times like these, your HR team can fee...
In today's hyper-connected world, personal branding on social media is key to stand out from the cro...
Everyone who has to make decisions is subject to cognitive biases, unconscious or otherwise, whose i...
If you, as a recruiter, regularly struggle to attract candidates via your job ads, this webinar is m...
Recruitment is a crucial process for any company, as the quality of the talent recruited has a direc...
In this 30-minute webinar, our EVP Expert, Christine, shares our concrete approach on how to create ...
In recent decades, the global population has been experiencing a significant demographic shift chara...
Retrouvez Profile Group au micro de Nathalie Born, dans l'émission "C'est ici que ça se passe", sur ...
It's done, you've taken the plunge: you've applied for a job offer. Your reflex may be to put this a...
RPO is a term that is often misunderstood. Profile Group is increasingly developing this service and...
As a hiring manager or recruiter, you want to bring on the “best” person for a job but how do you kn...
In recruitment, there is this habit of always relying on job advertising or headhunting to find the ...
89% of companies still use job ads to communicate their recruitment needs.
In recent years, virtual recruiting has evolved from a novelty to a necessity for recruiters around ...
A reversal of the dynamics between employers and candidates The labor market is facing a big challen...
Employee disengagement: Never seen before! According to a Gallup study, Western Europe has the lowes...
When companies start recruiting, most recruiters tend to go into ‘action mode’: will we use a recrui...
Today, digital transformation is a reality in all business areas but has only more recently affected...
As recruiters, you know by now that we are in a ‘candidate driven’ market. There is a huge shortage ...
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