A reversal of the dynamics between employers and candidates
The labor market is facing a big challenge: companies are in increasing demand for employees but the number of candidates is decreasing.
A reversal of the dynamics between employers and candidates
The labor market is facing a big challenge: companies are in increasing demand for employees, but due to demographic changes, the number of candidates is decreasing. How can they react? We asked the question to Andrew Simmonds, CEO of Profile Group.
Which advice would you give to companies recruiting?
Andrew Simmonds : « We first highlight the importance of the employer's value proposition. The employer must be able to explain to the candidate what they can offer in order to convince the candidate.
The second aspect is the implementation of a recruitment process that is neither too long nor too complicated.
Finally we recommend to strengthen the soft values: the way the company considers people, the way the management is committed to the teams, etc. Her ewe recommend that candidates meet their future manager and team members to get a better idea of what will be the job.
Finally, there are aspects related to the job description, salary, work-life balance, schedule flexibility and autonomy. »
Are organisations applying these recipes sufficiently?
Andrew Simmonds : « Many companies have not yet understood the paradigm shift: the dynamic between employers and candidates has completely reversed. Between 2015 and 2050, there will be 95 million fewer people of working age in Europe. Already today, 75% of the candidates we present to companies are 'hunted'; in other words, they already have a job. In parallel, with the health crisis, the candidate’s needs have changed even more. Among other things, they directly ask for the number of teleworking days they will be entitled to. The view on management is also changing: we are much more in need of a collaborative relationship, less hierarchical and that values the work of employees. »
What else do you recommend to companies?
Andrew Simmonds: « It is important to insist on the use of digitalization of the recruitment process, not only for a better administration of the tasks, but above all to humanize these processes and to create the most positive candidate experience. After an interview, for example, it is essential to give a quick feedback to the candidate, with a well explained decision in full transparency. This applies to all candidates, successful or not. It is known that dissatisfied people talk ten times more than satisfied people. »