recruitment & selection

Kathleen Eylenbosch


The collaboration with Profile Group is pleasant, sustainable and efficient.

What was the challenge you had when you met us?

The challenge was to find strong credit officers (and other profiles) with a focus on the total candidate. Not only diploma and experience are important, but personality, a match with the company culture and long-term potential too. Profile Group has established very well who does and does not fit within our organization and in the various teams.

Could you explain the proposed solution?

Through publications and searches, Profile Group is always able to present quality candidates. Compared to other external partners, the pre-screening of candidates is much better, and this ensures that Profile Group candidates stay with us much longer. Profile Group has always evolved with the changes in the profile. The strategy is adjusted where necessary, and as a result, it still succeeds in presenting sufficient candidates, even in the current labour market.
Candidates always get a clear explanation about the position and the company, and start the interview with us well prepared.
Profile Group also provides a very good follow-up during the recruitment process, both with us and with the candidates. Profile Group also takes work off your hands by, for example, scheduling and confirming appointments with candidates.

Could you share with us the key results?

  1. We have built a lasting partnership with Profile Group over the past 15 years. We have found dozens of new colleagues who have stayed for the long haul. This high level of seniority is very important in order to be able to provide our customers with a quality service.
  2. Profile Group is a real sparring partner, who thinks along with you. The consultant understood so well who we were looking for, it seemed like she was an in house recruiter.

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