
Pierre Dosogne

Written by Mary Ceriolo | May 14, 2024 10:29:43 AM

What was the challenge you had when you met us?

A new recruitment strategy

  • Ensure the recruitment of the best talent that is available on the market in order to enable John Cockerill to develop complex and high added value technological solutions in the area of sustainable development and renewables.
  • Manage the recuitment process at group level.
  • Organise the management of the contingent workforce (consultants working for the group) via an MSP service
  • Increase the mobility between and withing each company sector
  • Improve our Employer Branding

Could you explain the proposed solution?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing ou RPO

Profile Group supports us by providing a team of 4 senior recruiters who are on-site at John Cockerill. These recruiters are highly skilled in the area of candidate sourcing and able to deal with the very specialised profiles we need. They are here to attract new talents but also to constantly manage our own candidate database. They are in charge of improving our recruitment process and advising us specially during the delicate selection process.

In this role, they are true ‘sparring partners’ for our managers as they help in the definition of the roles, bring their knowledge of the candidate market and support at each step including the negociation for the final offer that they create in collaboration with our HR team.

Could you share with us the key results?

  • A team of 4 active recruiters who are fully integrated in the 5 business units within our group (Industry, Defense, Energy, Environment, Services) and who manage all the national and international recruitments. Whatever the market (Belgium, France or the US), they fully manage all the recruitment missions for the group. In 2021, 27% of the recruitments managed by Profile Group were for the talent sourcing for our entities in France and the US.
  • The qualitative recruitment of no less than 380 talents since the beginning of our collaboration. 70% of these recruitments were related due to the development of projects related to the energy and environmental transition. We have been able to attract talent coming from large international groups which enabled us to position outside our traditional markets.